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Thursday, May 27, 2010
a love story.

this is a story of a guy and a girl whose relationship has blossomed till this very day. and here's how it goes...

it was just another beautiful sunday, in the holy month of ramadhan where every muslim refrain from eating and drinking during the day. so there was this girl, eidah, who has kept her feelings for this guy, iker, since a few months back. eidah decided to spill the beans and confessed her feelings towards iker, despite knowing that this is a risky move. and so eidah texted iker,

'ermm saidi, i have something i wish to tell you, though i'm not sure if my actions is rite anot. i think about this over again cause i noe watever i say can make or break our friendship. but i thot i shud just make a move. i'm not since when, but i like you..'

and you know being a girl, rejection is one very sad thing dat can ever happen to oneself. so i thot it was gonna be another rejection from iker cause it took him awhile to reply. talk about anxiousness. his reply went like dis,

'ohk..i kinda sux at replying at dis so paham2 uh..dnt worry..out friendship will go on..depending how it goes, it might go up a notch..'


eidah being the selenge one between the two was kinda lost with the reply. so is dat good or bad? she actually went around asking the ones she was closer with to help her sought this out. eventually she understood the text and of course, like any typical girl who's in love would do, she smiled the widest smile :)

you will think that after dis, they would hook up in no time right? wrong! iker left eidah hanging puzzled for more than a week. any person would think that the move eidah made was a wrong one, so she decided to break the silence and texted him. only to find out that he had been busy helping his brother at the ramadhan stall.

ramadhan came and go, so did hari raya. they went on dating as if nothing ever happened till one day, after two full months, he confessed his feelings to her. well, of course, she was happy. esctatic to be precised :)

then on 15th december 2007, eidah dragged the reluctant iker to watch a malay production at republic poly. despite not being his cup of tea, he willingly accompanied eidah. it was also just another simple saturday night when they both met up at the bustop near tampines library. iker with his jeans, simple tee and his vans shoes, while eidah in her feeling-ladylike-day dress. upon boarding the bus, they sat on the upper deck of bus 168 next to each other not knowing what to expect. it was more quiet and boring per say cause he was listening to his mp3 throughout the whole journey. yaa yaa, tell me about it right.

let's skip the production watching part, nothing exciting anyway :)

after the whole production ended, we walked slowly to woodlands interchange to catch our bus back home. it was then when the whole magical thing just happened. iker held eidah's hand for the very first time, without any strings attached. he held her hands throughout the whole journey home and kissed her forehead before they went their separate ways.

upon reaching home, she received a text msg from iker and their convo went like this...

eidah (e): watcha doin?
iker (i): thinking about us..
e: ohk..and wat about it?
i: our lil relationship..
e: ok..wats with dat?
i: i dunno..i feel like we are more than just friends..
e: i feel dat way too..wich is why at times im unsure of the status..
i: tuu psal lahh..wat u think we shud do about it?
e: i dunno..what do you think we should do?
i: ermm..take it to the next level?
e: wich level u talking about?
i: the next level whereby we are together as a couple..smtg like that..
e: i wanna ask u smtg..wat are ur feelings like for me?
i: i have seriously fallen for you..
e: *blush* so whats e conclusion?
i: entah..u tell me..u want us to be together?
e: what kinda qn is dat? to be frank, i really really like you..
i: same here darls..
e: do u wanna be with me?
i: i do wanna be with u..
e: i also wanna be with u..so how now?
i: m mind is kinda blank rite now..i think u noe the answer..
e: haha..so can i say that today we are officially together? as in ur my bf and im ur gf?
i: why not? it sounds nice..

so there you have it, that's how eidah and iker became from friends to lovers :)

**there will come to a point of time when ur in a relationship and you start to reminisce these beautiful moments. i just had that moment with iker last night through msn. and thanks to these small talks that made us fall in love with each other all over again. i'm not embarrased to share my love story with everyone cause being in love is a beautiful thing and a speechless moment. this however, is just the beauty of our relationship, of course we have our own downturns as well but that's how a relationship works. a mistake to improve their flaws.

you thank me for walking down memory lane with you last night, im thanking you for creating such wonderful memoirs for us to reminisce. i love you. i really do.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

one drop-dead mistake can take away a lifetime full of good deeds.
i wonder why.