Saturday, November 28, 2009
first, i dropped the bike.
Second, the bike won't start at all despite using the kick-starter and with another student's help.
Third, i changed to a bike that will start only after a few ons and offs.
Lastly, just when everything was ok, my bike had to go up the kerb while i was doing my crank course.
Aaaaaarghhhh!! Bingit bingit!!
Okaay eidah, woooosahh woooosahh!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
update sikit.
hey wonderous humans =)
&so, after a week of training, i am in desperate need of sleep and rest. i gotta agree with kak aisha, its not the training dats causing the weariness but its the travelling journey to and fro, all the way from paris to choa chu kang. im not complaining ah kan, cause this is what i chose to do, im just expressing my feelings ;)
anyway, apart from training, i hafta admit, i love my team-mates. they're the dopest group ever!! according to our oic, our batch is one of the smallest group and dats the goooooooood thing cause everyone acknowledges everybody else. as usual, every class has its own clown and so does my team.haha! irits people every now and then. oh and he kept forgetting us girls names. i also haf a super tall team-mate, who actually thot i was dis 'rafik' who was mia-ing since first day, and he happily call me rafik from then on.haha!
kak aisha told me that he batch are also very close despite being double our class size and they never fail to plan outings over the weekends, i thot that was actually not sucha bad idea. so who's with me sp 20/09? hehe :)
oklah, actually i dnt know what to talk about today ah kan. there was a bit of disturbance of feelings just now. shall update soon!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
put a ring on it.
i love long walks when accompanied by long talks. i aint kidding you.
you can make me walk miles as long as we have an interesting topic to talk about.
& i have to admit, one of the best walker-talker ever is none other than mama. i know despite our different opinions and takes on certain things, she is by far one of my fave person to talk to. & like any other talks, just now i had an interesting chat with her.
& the topic of the night : engagement & weddings..hehehe. to tell you the truth, this kinda topics gets me really going cause there was once upon a time when i actually dreamt of being a wedding planner :)
i know some of you may think that at this age, its still kinda too early to even talk about it, but frankly speaking, i dnt see anything wrong if you wanna plan early for your future dream wedding. well, of course when i say this, i have my own fantasy wedding =) anyway, let's get back to the convo i had with mama. mama told me stories of how she got engaged and married to baba, which i found out later that she was engaged for less than a year when they decided to get married. wahh..sounds very easy kan. but if you're talking about getting married now, you gotta think of the expenses and stuff like that. back when my parents were getting married, i think the expenses incurred is like a quarter of our expenses these days.
apart from my parent's wedding, till today, i can still remember clearly when both my sisters got engaged and married. it was the day despite knowing that we wont be sitting under one roof again, i was very happy that they are married. i mean everyone of us will eventually build our family. insyaallah.
we usually want someone perfect or rather, those that meet our own criteria, to grow old with. but under those perfections, there are flaws to be taken care of. because nobody is perfect and every flaws makes a relationship better in a way or another. we wont know how our future will be like. but i know deep down, that ive someone in mind who i wish to grow old with. well of course this is just my part of the story, what about yours dear?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
pat at the back.
after almost 3 weeks of home stay, i finally got a call from them.
a brand new start.
goodbye red gonna miss you the most :(
after almost 3 weeks of home stay, i finally got a call from them.
a brand new start.
goodbye red gonna miss you the most :(
Monday, November 16, 2009
as we go on...

the special person who never fails to amaze me...
the 1st time you held my hands, 15.12.07, was the day i realised i loved you most.
you changed my whole life with your never-ending love, your esctatic happiness and most definitely, your awesome craziness.
& it's no doubt that im becoming more & more like you :)
i know you're reading dis bby.
you know i love you very much. & no matter how long i have to wait for you, i have faith in our relationship and i know we can go through this smoothly.
& im really glad we finally have our very own promise ring after so long :)
i hope i'll get some bling bling in future..hehe :p
lotsa love from the dopest girlf of your life, eidah :)

she's none other than my cousin, nur faidah binte rahmad..
after iker checked-in, we went to have supper at macd and boy, i had a great time talking about relationships with her. Mind you, she's a degree holder in psychology, talk about beauty with brains..haha. she has been through alot. She lost the utmost love of her life due to an accident and now she's engaged to yet another wonderfull soul. she told me stories of how she could relate to things with her arwah boyf to accidents with her current tunang. yupp, she had a collision with her own tunang because she was too busy checking out the scenery while riding w/o realising that her tunang who was also riding was right infront of her..haha :)
anyways, when she told me about her arwah boyf, i feel her. it aint easy losing the person you love most go away in just a speed of light. what's more saddening is, they were about to get a surprise engagement with the help of their parents. i know she had a hard time trying to get her life back on track after the death, she suffered silently for a whole year before she could really move on. but hey, just like me, she's a strong-hearted girl..haha :p
anyway, before i start talking crap, i better get the hell outta here.
peace yaw!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
who am i tryna kid with?
you know you can't hold on any longer.
i miss iker too much already. on the verge of breaking down alrdy :(
you know you can't hold on any longer.
i miss iker too much already. on the verge of breaking down alrdy :(