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Monday, June 29, 2009
of 365days.

my homie's gone.
you'll be missed sweetheart!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

1. i wanna go on a date with my babes, namely kyn, mira and yani :)
2. i tagged ayuuu! saying "go shopping with me". we should go after pay day!!!
3. i wanna meet my fellow mango ex-colleagues cause i miss them truckloads :(
4. i also wanna have a sisters day out with my lurrrrvely sisters :)
5. i would also love to take my parents out & give them a treat.
6. but what i don't want is: i don't want 29th to come so soon!!!

oh eidah, please snap back into reality!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
family ze best.

last weekend, i had a family bbq with my mum's side and i must say it was a blast. i enjoyed myself throughout the whole event. unfortunately for me, i was given the wrong info and so i dropped at car park 2, when the pit was over at car park 7. so just imagine me having to walk all the way there. it was almost 3km sak..but okay ah, im a survivor mah. upon reaching je, i ate lotsa food to accommodate my walking.hahahaha..

played cards with the cousins, cracked lotsa jokes, unfortunately i didnt get to swim cause this budak pandai forget to bring additional undergarments.hahaha..
but i did went cycling the following day with my cousins. we cycled from car park 7 to changi village the 3km up to East Coast Park before i complained that im tired.hahaha..im the oldest mah, so dorg dgr ckp ah kan.hehehe..then, rest for awhile before cycling up to car park 1 to meet iker. he was having picnic with his family too :)

at bout 3pm, we started packing and ate all the remaining foods before we call it a day. i didnt went home though. i went to meet iker and yes, i walked yet again.hahaha.. for someone having mensus, i must say im proud to conquer the pain.hahaha..anyway, officially met iker's mom and cousins for the 1st time. they are 1 crazy bunch also. it runs in the family.hahaha..

ive no pics to post cause i havent got them from ttik. will update once i have them aite.

one word to describe the weekend: awesome!!!!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

my days are packed with different types of activities this week.

tuesday: malay dance training
thursday: cdc.
friday: cdc.
saturday: cdc & family bbq day!!!
sunday: family bbq day!!!

&it's 11days to go before the boy is leaving for brunei. fcuk!
which means after that, nobody to fetch me from tarian.tsk tsk!!
Monday, June 15, 2009

last saturday (13.06.09), i went to watch gentarasa 2009 with ikersaidi.
he was dragged along by yours truly cause i received a pair of tix from big.hehehe :)
it was a 2.5hrs long show and i definitely had a good time. suhaimi yusof and khairuddin samsudin (if im right) added real humour to the whole show.
atleast i know iker was enjoying that part of the show cause he was laughing along. otherwise you can see him almost sulking.hahahahaha..
we were both left hungry after the show ended and to satisfy my wants, iker brought me to the airport cause i wanted to have popeye for my dinner. thank you dear!!

i really appreciate the small things you do for me.
having to ride from simei to yio chu kang and back to the airport, you sigh yet you just follow suit.
as i've mentioned, thank you for evrything.
u mean the world to me. i love you!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
ok go!!

i am bloooooooody bored ahh.
no boss, so can slack abit ahh =)
was tryna let time pass...

ABC About You Questions:

A - AVAILABLE: nooooooooo!!!
B - BIRTHDAY: 18 october 1988
C - CRUSHING ON: hmmmmmmm....
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: greeeeen tea..
F - FAVORITE SONG: currently its 'be with you' by akon
H - HOMETOWN: simei.
I - IN LOVE WITH: ikersaidi ahh..
J - JUGGLE: juggle work and play can??
K - KILLED SOMEONE: felt like it..
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: four including myself..
O - ONE WISH: ikersaidi to be back on my 21st bday can??
R- REASON TO SMILE: nice people smile, nasty people frown.hahahaha
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: dangerous..
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 0625hours..
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR/PATTERN: im wearing black right about now.heeh..
V - VEGETABLE(S): cauliflower..
W - WORST HABIT: frowning.hehehe..
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: none i suppose..
Y – YOYOS ARE: old school..
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: libraaaaaaaaaa...

Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: shdh.
What color do you wear most? black..
Least favorite color? ntahh..
What are you listening to? crush on 91.3fm
Are you happy with your life right now? if i can improve myself, it'll be better..
What is your favorite class in school? art!!!
When do you start back at school/college? tak tau ahh..
Are you outgoing? i guess soo..
Favorite pair of shoes? the leather highcuts which was stolen.tsk tsk..
Where do you wish you were right now? in the toilet, cause i neeeeeed to peee!!!

Can you dance? hell yeahh!!!
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? noooooo!!!
Can you whistle? nooooo!!
Write with both hands? tak boleh!!!
Walk with your toes curled? i think soo..later i try..

Do you believe there is life on other planets? perhaps..
Do you believe in miracles? uhuh..
Do you believe in magic? i dunno..
Love at first sight? i think sooo..
Do you believe in Satan? definitely..

Do you believe in Santa? nahhh..
Do you know how to swim? swimming pool yes. the sea no.
Do you like roller coasters? i would love to ride them..
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? i doubt so..

Have you ever been on a plane? noooooo!!!
Have you ever asked someone out? uhuh...
Have you ever been asked out by someone? duhh..
Have you ever been to the ocean? hmmmmmm..
Have you ever painted your nails? yeahhh..

What is the temperature outside? panas gileeeeee..
What radio station do you listen to? 98.7fm and 91.3fm
What was the last restaurant you ate at? balithai..shank you mama!!
What was the last thing you bought? that bloooody laptop adaptor ahh..
What was the last thing on TV you watched? i cant remember..

Who was the last person you call? ttik..
Who was the last person you took a picture of? myself.hahahahaha..
Who was the last person you said I love you to? ikersaidiiiiiii!!!

Are you a happy person? uhuh..
What can make you happy? chocolates.definitely!!
Do you wish you were happier? uhuh.why not??
Can music make you happy? yeahh!!!

How many times have you had your heart broken? hmmmm..
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them? hmmmmmm...

What is your current hair color? black beauty.hehehe..
Current piercings? my ears..
Have any tattoos? wish i can have one..
Eye color? black/brown..i dunno.

Favorite eye color: black/brown/blue...
Short or long hair: botak also can ahh..hahahaha..
Height: 165cm and beyondddddd!!
Best clothing: polo tee and jeans maybe??

Been to jail: nooooooo!!
Mooned someone: ape tuuu??
Thrown up in a store: i dont think soo..
Laughed so hard you cried: hahahahaha..duhhhh!!!
Cried in school: of course!!!
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: uhuh..
Gone skinny dipping: never!!

Pepsi or Coke: coke!!!
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's..
Single or Group Dates: depends ahh..
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate!!!!!
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries...
Meat or Veggies: meat...
TV or Movie: both...
Guitar or Drums: both also can..
Chinese or Mexican: hmmmmm..
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: both??
Cake or Pie: cakeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
MTV or VH1:
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

they say you're happy when you enjoy doing the things you love.
but i'm both happy and bored doing whatever im doing.
how like that?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
work & such.

i like staying back at work.
after 1730hr that is.
which also means working after hour ah kan.

the best part about working after hour is....
i can be less serious.hahaha.kens kan..
but the truth is, even though im not paid for doing overtime, its the
company i have from my fellow colleague.my supervisor in particular.

ive been thinking bout this for quite a long time now.
i thought this would be one of the good choice.
no, im not running away from my responsibilities nor am i a failure.
i have to consider my feelings bout what i do too.
i am happy here but as days goes by, im feeling rather frustrated with some people.
but never my supervisor cause he's one of the dopest supervisor ever.hahaha..

oh well, time will decide.

Friday, June 5, 2009

time spent: priceless
yet time is ticking.

Monday, June 1, 2009

sorry for the lack in updates.
my laptop is currently not feeling well.

anyway, im at work right now, supposed to be having my lunch break now,
but i dunno what to eat ehk..hahaha.
ctown is so dull, not many halal eatery. so im practically eating
the same thing everyday.

sidetrack a bit,
after the not-so-nice talkings and such, i feel that we're closer than ever.
how do i let you go now?
ive only 28 more days to go before your departure.
after which, i have to wait patiently till end of year.

this really suck big time!!