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Saturday, February 28, 2009
my say.

undergarments $60+
heels $30+
dress $70+


whats next?
im turning into a shopaholic.

oh & i still need to get sandals =))
i still need to pay bills and with immediate effect,
im supposed to give monthly allowance to adik..

damn i feel so grown-up :(

Monday, February 23, 2009

i would like to take this opportunity to say sorry to Nursaidi fer being such an unreasonable and an irritating girlfriend these past few days. while nursaidi is trying his best to make the situation better, i tried to make things looks larger than life.
i'll be nice to you if you'll listen to me just this once. please. that's all im asking for my dear.
i still love you no matter whot ok kentot!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
tsk tsk.

Tax assistant
Admin personnel
Accounts assistant

i need rest.
& i want nursaidi to give me a huge hug :))

*&of course i want to see you happy my dear mella. ilyvm*
**i don't wanna fight no more**

Sunday, February 8, 2009
sunday afternoon.

Right after i watched the CSI weekend marathon on AXN, i went off to do my "d&t project". The supposedly "project" was actually to do something to nursaidi's buckle because the coat was messy and not-so-nice already. Apparently, he wanted to buy a new buckle but due ti tight budget, he got himself a new belt but asked me to handle his buckle since i was the artistic one between us.heehe :) So, eidah, being the slenge one but i actually know how to do it, thought that i only have to spray the paint over until baba told me that i had to scrap off the remaining coat that was left on the buckle. wahhlauwei!! nk keje senang, end up kene buat mcm-mcm ehk.. After scraping, baba gave me this sheet of paper to make the buckle nicer before spraying it, thus adding on to the whole jobscope. So, in order to let nursaidi know that i did my work, i took some pictures as evidence, cause evidence never lie..hahaha.

smiling amidst the laziness :)

after much scraping and such. i actually thought it looks nice if it remains that way. but since it's not my buckle, therefore it's not my decision to keep it that way or not.

must pose with my artefact.

final product.

& it's back to its original self. looks just like new. all thanks to sahidah ahh.

okay nursaidi, you owe me a big thank you, a big hug and a big shoutout of love for being such a nice gf so as to do what i think you can actually do it yourself. atleast i don't ask for anything that requires money right. see see. im a nice gf ok :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
hee =)

he's definitely hungry fer midnight snack.hhahahaha :)
he's fulfilled the deal.but i havent :(

however sad to say, buku 2008 dah close account. so love pls get a hold on that fact cause im gonna let go my part of the deal.hee =)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

i was in the ladies this morning when the pakcik cleaner said hi! to me.
*no, he's not pervert.he just greeted anyone who's in the ladies*
&we had a tiny convo.

pakcik: good morning! eh selamat pagi!! ingatkan cine tadi (i thot it was a chinese lady)
me: selamat pagi cik! hahaha..saye melayu lah.(im a malay lah)
pakcik: oh. pakcik ingatkan kamu ni orang arab.(i thot u were arab)
me: hahaha..melayu singapura lah pakcik.(no lah, im a singaporean malay lah)

arab or whot?!
oklah arab people nice mah..hee =)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
happy birthday.

because he amuse me as much as i amuse him.

my baby boy turns two today.
Ungku Irfan Alamshah, that lil dude who never fails to bring a smile to my face =)

happy 2nd birthday love.i know you won't be reading this but mok wishes you all the best for your future. mok will pray that you'll grow up to be a fine boy and will excel in life.
sayang irfan.muaahh!!!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009

love.you love my smackers?!!

i love men in his uniform.

*baby, it's coming feb which means it's coming to the 14mth of our r'ship. i love the fact that it's getting longer and stronger. you're my one and only berg sexy horny cheeky naughty or whatever-you-call-yourself boyfriend!!*

welcome to the family, Ian Haziq!! (Ian Hazriq's picture wasnt taken :s)

niiina, the girl who knows how its like to be a kakak.


my lil girl is in nursery now.

sentosa was fun.but i wished baba was there.nuff said