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Thursday, November 27, 2008

endless sneezing.
continuous coughing.
weak body.

thanks to that bad mr. virus!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
just fine.

somehow there has been a change of plans.
so im gonna be just fine.

& now, i cant wait for babes' day out,
fun under the sun with love.
&of course, make love wear hot pink tee shirt.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

just when i thought evrything is okay...
i really need to shout my lungs out siak!!!!!!

nursaidimuadzan, i know u're notin the wrong,
but i suggest you bring me to the beach so that i can shout to the sea
instead of you.
be gone.

to add on to my misery,
my tok busu passed away after 14 years of having stroke.

semoga allah mencucuri dan menempatkan dia di antara orang-orang yg soleh.

*on 2nd thought, my life is getting back on track,
i just need time to get back to my normal mode*
Monday, November 17, 2008

life has its ups and downs.

im now experiencing the downfall in my life.
thank god, love gave me some encouraging words.
rest assured.if im quiet-er than before, you should know why.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

im going thru intense reading for the book Seri Rahayu got me.
now i know why men go into caves.
& why women talk.

maybe i should apply that to my daily routine. say what??

Saturday, November 8, 2008

many things in life have taught me about the different prospectives i will need to know in life. in my twenty years of life, ive seen a lot to make me into who i am today. and i wont be who i am today if not these beautifull people..
  • baba: you have been the strictest person in the family ever. i have to thank you for that though, cause w/o whom, i'll prolly be fooling around and not thinking bout the importance in life to have good religious beliefs and to think bout others when making a decision cause what i do, may have a great impact on others.
  • mama: my pillar of strength, my bed of roses and my tears of joy. you are the greatest human being on earth to have given birth to me and to show me what the real world is really all about. your guidance and motivation has really opened my eyes and made me realise that no matter how short or long life is, i hafta appreciate whatever that comes in my way cause afterall they formed a part of my life and that all is planned by the one and only greatest, ALLAH.
  • big: my eldest sister who is a decade older than me. the sister who loves me alot but never expressed her feelings unless necessary. the person who made me look older than her cause shes super small to be a mother of 2. hehe. the sister who was the strictest after baba..she never let me eats in the bedroom cause the kitchen is the place to eat, the person who dont let enter her room. the person who used to work shift and seldom see her when i was way younger. amidst all that, she gave me good motivation and to look at life in a different light. the sister w/o whom, i wont have that mother's touch.
  • ttik: the loveliest sister ever. she is the sister who made me laugh every hari raya when its seeking forgiveness time. the sister whom i can relate with in most matters. she started work at sucha young age, contributed a lot to the family, and definitely one caring soul. she have helped me financially throughout all these years when i started working. she is the person whom i can joke together about our fats, thunder thighs and loads of other things.
  • adik: the naughtiest sister!!! but what can i say, she is my soul, my heart and my everything. its just the 2 of us left and its her whom i can seek advice from even though she is 4 years younger than me. the girl who made me cry and shout a lot at home because of her misbehaviour. she has taught me to look at things positively instead of the other way round which i always. she is the person whom i can shake my booty with, look all untidy at home yet have fun together. and she's definitely my sleeping partner whom i will hold hands with after i watch a horror movie just to make sure she's there when i needed her.
  • abg mode & abg feroz: my two crazy brother-in-law. ive known only for a short period of time to be able to jude you like i can to my sisters. however, the 2 of you have been great and motivational. you brought me up when im down and never fail me to lighten my spirit. i love you both just like i love your fellow wives even though i dont express my feelings to you both. sometimes when you cheer me up, i feel like hugging you both but im just too shy to do so. oh well.
  • nayli & irfan: my 2 most-loved kids. what can i say, they cheer me up, they wipe my tears with their bare small hands, they play peek a boo with me. they ran whenever i chase them with hangers. i love them that i hope they wont grow up and stay that cute always. i hope i can live long enough to see them both grow up. i love you kids.
  • mira & kyn: my precious gems who make me laugh with their own ways. the 2 ladies whom i can cry together with, laugh like a hyena and embarass myself with. they have made me mature faster than i should and make me feel like a kid at the same time. the people whom i can share my problems with and with whom can lend their shoulders. i hope we can grow old together lovelies cause no matter what happens, you guys have been a part of my life and will always do.
  • nursaidimuadzan: you came into my life at such a sudden pace. at first we were strangers and now, i feel like i know you for sucha long time. even though i dont know that much about you, you have a great boyfriend who never fails to make me laugh and you are the cause of my daze at work. i we can never know whats the outcome of this beautifull relationship, but if God have planned everything, insyaallah, anything can happen. you can never imagine how much i love you cause you never will know. he is the other person who made me look at life postively and to enjoy time as it is and not to worry bout yesterday.
  • to all my friends, enemies, foes, or those ive not mentioned. you guys have also played a role in my life. i never thought i would have you beautifull people as part of my life. you made me realised how chameleon people can be and loads of other things. to those whom ive hurt intentionally or unintentionally, im sorry. lets not think bout what happened yesterday and start thinking bout tomorrow.
life is shorter than i thought. you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow unless you invent the time machine like those in stories. just so you know, i love all of you and will always do. i'll try my best to be the person you guys wish i can be and try my best to do/be the best in whatever i do. i hope to change my attitude if you think its not good enough and i'll try to please every one of you. i love you all!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008

i actually gained back the weight i lost during fasting mth..haizz.it happens when you dont listen to your bf's advice..ive been eating a lot these days, snacking here and there which i hafta stop already.i ate swensen's ice-cream with mama last night case i was craving for chocolatey foods.hehehe..atleast i made mama'a craving go away too cause she wanted to eat ice-cream for such a long time.hahaha..toothache katekan..however, im thinking of fasting after i finish my mensus.insyaallah..i wanna lose weight, im getting fatter and im hoping dat i wont grow any bigger..boohoo:'( when i see adik small figure yesterday, suddenly i got so jealous and thinking of doing the unthinkable, if you know what i mean..hehehehe :D
anyhoos, love will be out of the jungle soon.suke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to those whom i owe pictures, will send real soon aite :)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

holla =)
eidah is at work right now, having her lunch break and she's freaking bored..
cause usually her bf will text her but today he isnt..so ya.
moving on, my tax work is almost done people...yey!!! even though im way past the time frame given but atleast, my manager is hapie with my work and i hope i havent been giving my supervisor problems cause right now, he's the one who's reviewing my work..anyhoos.suddenly i feel like meeting seri rahayu..i miss that girl for some reason lah kan..haizz.

oh ya, can i watch hsm3, quantom of solace and madagascar all in one day??
Sunday, November 2, 2008

this is bad.
real bad.
it's only the 2nd day that love didnt contact me cause he is out there somewhere in the jungles of tekong but im missing him so freaking much lah kan..
i thought i cud control my emotions ah but i cant lor..yesterday before i slept, i cried like hell...okay okay, i hafta admit, imma crybaby..at times only.
but its okay eidah, its only 4more days to go then you can meet him okay??

today is my mum's bdae!!! happy 52th bday mummy!!! wo ai ni!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008

im phreaking tired.
my mind is not in service.
my body is losing control.
my feets are crying fer help.
im losing my sleep over work.

now i know what tired really means. ive been complaining for too long now but i cant help it..its saturday yet im at work, settling all these urgent tax work.oh boy! its definitely not easy when you know its ur own clique who put in the wrong figures and you hafta reconcile evrything..
love has been psycho-ing me well enough but im not lured into his words cause im the one whose having to go thru all this..and if i dont complete my task on time, my life would be hanging on a thin thread..shall not brag no more.now i really cant wait to meet shamella and enjoy myself b4 going back to work on monday.

god bless me.