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Sunday, August 31, 2008

&so, today i couldn't sleep cause of some things that happened the night before, i shall elaborate more later in the post..

i woke up at bout 830am, shit evrything out, changed my bedsheet and then took my bath and asked da out for breakfast..initial plan was to go my mum's plc but he didnt want, so we opted for qi ji instead..i didnt had any appetite with me so i ate only popiah and ice milo despite being damn hungry..then, i thot of walking around tamp alone until my dad said he wanted to walk around also..so we walked together..surveyed some things for my lil kiddos and for ourselves..and dad, without any hesitant, accompanied me shopping..like for the very 1st time ever, my dad became my shopping companion..but i must say, he's got quite a good taste ahh..and since there was no one else to ask, i ask him which colour suits me better..hahaha.i got him a pants since he liked them..then we walked around more and we bounced onto ttik and abg feroz..so we sat down for a cuppa teh tarikk..hehe :)
all in all, i spent bout $150 on my shopping spree for myself only and a few dollars on the rest..gave my parents their monthly allowance which ive promised myself to do so evry month..org lame-lame kate, berkat kasi mak bapak duit..rezeki melimpah-ruah..so ya..hehe :)

moving on, as mentioned in my first few sentences, yesterday i received dead silent cold treatment from someone whom i love so much..i dont hafta mention names lah kk..suppose to meet at 4pm but i ended up reaching at 440pm.so i was late for 40 mins..i apologised but it doesnt seem to make situation any better..when we reached the surface from somerset mrt stn, it was raining cats and dogs..but i was made to walk in the rain because somebody walked in the rain.without any emotion, that somebody didnt even stop to look at me who didnt had my head covered by anything..a cap is better than nothing pe kann..we missed the show, so we went back to the train stn to dhoby ghaut to watch at grand cathay instead.i thought things would be better by then but nothing seems to get any better.its the same like im walking all around alone, let me repeat ALONE..
it was my fault for reaching very much later than the promised time but i apologised and i didnt do it intentionally..im not that kinda person who would make some other people wait for me that long.but due to some unforeseen circumstances, it happened..yesterday's outing was the most stupidest outing i ever had with that someone, i did a stupid thing by coming late and not informing that person early. &to make things worse, it was my fault, but i made it looked as though its not my fault..

**you know, sometimes, when somebody commits a mistake, he/she will apologise and hope that the matter would be settled there and then and dont let it spoil the rest of the day..but you took it too hard that i could actually feel you didnt had the mood to watch movie nor walk around with me..i thought that since it was gonna be ramadhan soon and you are going away for some time, i wanted to spend the night with you and make you feel happier than you have always been..but i couldnt do that..im sorie once again for spoiling your day.im too used to having the happy you around me that when u turned ur back and you didnt call me, i almost breakdown and cry..i shall discontinue now for we are fine and evrything is back to normal, i think..**
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

first and foremost, i must correct myself about the last 2 entries that ive posted..im not gonna be busy from october onwards..im already busy.my manager told me that i have to make sure that all documents are submitted to IRAS by 30 november 2008..which means that i have to make sure that all my clients submit their forms by the 3rd week of october..and my manager also passed me the master list of all my clients and i realised that i have bout 50 more to go..and besides my tax work, i still have to handle the admin duties and the recept duties..dammit siak!!when iwas told bout my new duties, i was totally shock ah kan..oh and i have to manage my company's accounts lagi..fuhh..not as easy as it seems.im prolly one of the most busiest and stressfull staff in the office cause i have lotsa errands to do..but..thank goodness, september is nearing..there will be interns coming in for their attachment..hahaha..its time to bully people ah.

on one hand, im hoping for september to come so that the interns can help me do my admin work..but on the other hand, im so not looking forward to september cause love is going to serve the nation and is gonna have his 2 weeks confinement.so yeahh..there are good and bad reasons..but life has to go on.hopefully my work is gonna make me super busy to keep my mind of him while he is away..

*no matter how bad i laughed at you whenever i remind you bou
t national service, deep down, you should jolly well know that im gonna miss you like hell..insyaallah, i'll put the negative words i heard from others aside and trust you like i always do*

be cheeky with me only, or else i'll give you teasers ahh :)

Monday, August 25, 2008
some things.

raja & permaisuri for the day.

the girl's voice is really nice lor.and dats her father.

i say peace mummy!!

ade chance jadi model tak?? :)

On sunday, i went to Lorong Ah Soo with mum to attend a wedding..the decoration is real nice and the food was superb..and the wedding was full of hindustan song.suke!!! we stayed for quite some time cause it was raining quite heavily.so we decided to wait for the groom and bride to come back from the bride's side which is over at Ang Mo Kio..
then, after we manage to watch them for awhile and the rained cooled down, we made our move..made a pit stop at Paris to top-up the card and my mum wanted to snack at Cavana..then i ask my mum to belanje me Ben&Jerry ahh..double suke!!!

i also went on a double date with man & ayu..went to celebrate ayu's advance bday over at Terminal 2 but i wont update bout it now..gotta wait a lil longer aite..

&so now, just enjoy the random pictures..

they say we look alike.do we?

she loves piggy-back rides.

the mentel niece.

'cause love dislike the peace sign.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

its coming to the 2nd week i started work here and if this is all that i have to do as my job scope, i think its quite manageable. no pressure for the time being at least cause its only August..which means, it can be predicted that somewhere after Hari Raya, im gonna have lotsa work to do..oh well, what's work without a few OTs right?? *im not paid for OT though :(*

im in the office right now and most of my cliques have went out for lunch but i didnt tag along cause i wanna sleep..hehehe :) i ate the red bean bun that i bought in the morning and when my manager, Yvonne saw me in here eating only that, she was surprised cause she say she dont want me to fall sick lah, got gastric lah, want to stay slim and pretty lah..hahaha.but when i told her that i ate the whole loaf and that the one in my hand is the last piece, she was taken aback..what can i say, i can be a really big-eater when im really hungry..otherwise, if i go out with love, he will be the one finishing up my food.and he knows really well when i cant finish my food..hehe :)

anw, im supposed to be sleeping but yet im blogging..oh and im meeting love after work today to catch a movie..if im not lazy, i'll update again..till then, rock on wonderous!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
if you wanna believe it lahh..

What Sahidah Means

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.

You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.

Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.

You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.

People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

What Nursaidimuadzan Means

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.

And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.

You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.

You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.

You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.

You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.

People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.

You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.

You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience.

You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along.

But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge.

*&i hate how much i love you so*
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

living mannequin.


dance over the weekends was fun :)
but im going on hiatus in dance for a while to adapt with the working life :)

&work has been great:)
my cliques are super-gerek people:)

but im missing my kids badly :(
*BIG!! bring them home to simei puh-lease!!!*

&definitely missing that awesome bf of mine :(
*bile nk gi dating lagi????? chinatown isnt far tau, you can still fetch me :))*

&to the couple who has been my saviour


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Events that happened in chronological order.

Just yesterday (090808), which happens to be Singapore's Birthday, I had a performance with the Trai'rat Seni at Teck Whye..upon reaching, i thought it was the girls' side but it was actually the guys' side..it was super grande, all white..mcm lolita wedding fantasy gitu. and sooner, the emcee announced that the groom was the anak kesayangan, thus the grand wedding lor..anw, we performed an opening item and couple duets.but the crowd wasnt convincing at all..at least tepok lah tangan kan..I was actually the last to reach Cho Chu Kang, and when i reached, i was told that, there's no hair bun, no sanggul and whats worse, no song..knnccb!! i was completely shocked..how to dance without song, u tell me?? but, we had back-up cause a friend of mine had the songs in her hp..lucky sia :) then, we took bus 190 to the destination, had breakfast, memorise the steps, changed and perfomed..

In the theme of National Day.
*i look fat don't i??*

like sisters.

Then, after the performance, i went to meet love!!! yey!! i met him on Friday but i insisted that we meet again..hahaha :) went down to raffles to "fetch" him from work and surprisingly, there were lots people..imagine lotsa people in the desert..haha..i know im lame..anw, went up to his workplace and the minute he saw me..

love: you look like batman..
me: huh??

then, he asked me to sit down for awhile b4 coming up to me and look staringly at me and smiled..chicken!! still so blur, i asked him..

me: mane i nmpk mcm batman seh??
love: i dunno..u just look like batman..
*after a few minutes, then i realised he actually meant the joker in batman*

*kurang asam nye budak*

we went out from his workplace, took the train and was indecisive bout whr to eat..he wanted to eat tulang but i was still full cause i already ate at the majlis..so, in the end, we settled for BBQ chicken at e!hub..was my treat, cause somehow i feel bad that love has been treating me and im just gold-digging him..then, dah abis mkn, we went to a few hp shops cause eventually love ost his hp..maha careless tau dat guy* and he plans to get the w960i phone..knnccb!! he knows i want that phone too..so he is just tryna rub salt against the wound..but its ok..my turn will come ehkk..

me: do i really look bad with e make-up?? seriously..
love: not really ah..just dat ive nvr seen you in this kinda make-up b4.
me: ohh..2 psal you hafta come and watch me perform..get use to seeing me like dis..
love: heh?? u nak kene kutuk??
me: ok jgk pe..criticism make us improve ourselves..
love: mcm paham..

*i cn nvr make dis guy watch me perform, not even the slightest moral support*

picture taken on Fri (080808).

its because i love you more today than i do yesterday :)

next up, on wednesday, went to meet my kids over at yew tee..suke!!!thats prooly the last time im meeting them cause im starting work soon and can only meet them if they come over to simei..which is i dunno when lah kan..having t meet them, makes me happier than ever.they are so cute and annoying at the same time..imagine nayli, 3yrs old saying..

nayli: happy birthday nenek!!
*it wasnt even my mums bdae*

nayli: i'll be right back!!
*talking to her imaginary friend on the phone*

nayli: i miss you mok!!
*when she came back from playing at the playground*

nayli: look nenek, i cleaned up!!
*when she found out that we were coming over*

oh ya, and all that wasnt translated, she actually conversed in english..pekat kape?? and then, irfan will follow the kakak wherever she goes and imitate whatever she does..he is super adorable ok..and for a kid who is only 1 yr +..he utters a few words like..

*nak nak nak!!* has to be 3x..

*owww* when he hurts himself..

*bibik!!!* shouts his lungs out..

*pet pet pet!!* when lil einsteins show or commercial is up on tv..

*mama, papa, kakak* when he calls these individuals..

but he calls me momok instead of mok..mistaken me for a ghost.hahaha:)

&thats me and my kids :)

*an outsider once asked me if those are my kids when i was handling them myself while the mum was in the toilet* sadded :(

that's all folks!! catch uo with y'all soon!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sorry if any of you thinks this is x-rated or whatsoever..
But i love the body i have..i would rather have fats, rather than look like a super-stick-thin chopstick like that..damn!!

To those guys who thinks stick-thin is sexy or thinks my preetifull adik is fat, i think you should have a 2nd look on that..
goodbye suckers!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
happy :)

guess what??

Sahidah Sahid is no longer unemployed ehk..
She was offered a job at Starpak Management..

Insyallah, she will work hard and if you are lucky, she will treat you :)

hahahahaha..wonderous, im super hapie.like finally!!!
tk sia-sia i wait for the right opportunity.


I went for a 2nd interview yesterday @ Chinatown..the lady, Yvonne, is sucha nice person..she laughs at almost evrything i said..klakar sgt ke aku ni?? anw, its not an accounts post, its a tax-related post..seems like i hafta open my books and revise..hahaha..eidah so kens, i think i forget evrything lor..anw, after interview, took the train back to Paris to meet with a friend of mine since Pri sch, Fee..still so small as ever..waited for her at Coffeebean for close to 2hrs but its ok cause i had my storybook with me..then, asked kyn where she's at cause she suppose to meet us too..in the end, i only talked to her 4 barely 10mins b4 i hafta go..so, 1stly, accompanied Fee to haf her lunch at Mcd..then, after she finish eating, she accompanied me at BK..then, love text me asking if i wanna watch movie so i say ok..hehe :) me and fee talked bout lotsa things..seriously alot..i wanna meet her again, dis time with yana and syaf if dats possible..sooner or later, love arrived way b4 kyn and he took a nap cause he was doing opening shift and he had meeting after work..so, i bid goodbye to my lovely grrlfriends..went to get the tix and we watched the mummy 3..quite a good movie i must say..but i dont know why, it seems like lately, if i watch movies that involves violence, i get scared..something is wrong with me lah kan..haha.soon as we finished watching, we took bus 12 home..chatted for awhile b4 love say he needs his so-called 12hrs of sleep..beauty sleep gitulah kan.vain jgk bf aku ni..
&i haf another interview today at URA ctr..wish me luck ah korang :)
then im going for tarian.suke!!!
then probably going hm with love who ends work at 9pm also..

*i dreamt that love and his buds are my classmates.havoc!!!*
Saturday, August 2, 2008
esp for nina :)

1. Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket?
definitely Switzerland :)

2. What's your favourite thing to do?
quarelling with adik :) :)

3. Do you think money can buy happiness?
what do you think??

4. If you were given a chance to receive something, what would it be?
can it be more than one thing?

5. Things you can't live without:

6. What are you afraid to lose?

7. If you win 1 million, what would you do?
i have a long list;ask me personally ok.

8. What do you dream of doing in the future?
secured&stable job;make my parents happy;get married :)

9. List down 3 good points of the person who gave this survey:
superrrsweet;funnygiler;lovelyalways :)

10. What makes me happy?

11. What type of person do you hate most?
hate is too strong a word;but i dislike hypocrites, let alone backstabbers!!

12. If you could have a superpower what would it be?

13. Would you go for happiness or money?
depends on the situation.

14. Who do you think is the most important thing in your life?
theSahids;nthg worth more

15. If you have a boyfriend, would you die for him?
the qn should be: would he die for me??

16. Who was the last person who hugged you?
Ungku Nayli Maryani :)

17. What is the one thing you want badly now?
im broke;so what do you think??

18. Whom are you close to?

19. Are you courageous enough to tell the person that you like him/her?
yupp;i confessed to nursaidi :)

20. If you could do one thing all over again, what would it be?
rewind my life.

7 things that scares you:
;loud noises (i can cry)
;new environment
;ghost :)

7 things that you like most:
;happy people :)
;heels (the higher, the better)

7 important things in my room:
;story books
;pictures (its all over my mirror)
;flowers (brightens the room)

7 random facts bout me:
;im only 152cm
;im paranoid bout tidyness
;i like to talk to myself
;the sahids callsme cak-idah when they're annoyed with me :)
;selenge is my middle name
;ttik lost her grip on me when i was 2yrs old
;my dad calls me bby till i was pri 2.

7 things that I plan to do before I die:
;repent :)
;make my parents the proudest parents ever
;get married :)
;have kids (maybe bout 4??)
;travel the globe
;go to tanah suci
;apologize for the mistakes i've done to evryone

7 things I can do:
;complete a 500-page book in 1day
;irritate adik and scold her back
;make a fool out of myself
;braids (learnt myself from big)
;anyam ketupat :))

7 things that I can't do:
;talk in foreign language
;hold a spoon with my nose
;touch my nose with my tongue
;marathons (2.4km is ordy a drag)
;drive a car
;wink :)

7 things you are attracted to in the opposite sex:
;height (the taller, the better)
;sense of humour (tickle my funny bones)
;seriousness (when needed)
;washboard abs (nvm love, u can workout)
;patience (my pms sucks like hell)
*cant think of anything else*

7 things that I often say:
;eidah lupe ah
;diam ah!
;gile sak
;bodoh kape?!

7 people to do this survey:
;seri rahayu

*no offence taken if u dont wanna do it :)

he always mistaken mok as momok.en he will runaway :(

Ungku Irfan Alamshah.Ungku Nayli Maryani

youngest.younger.young :)

definitely blessed :)