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Thursday, July 31, 2008
the bdae outing.


the superwomans.

apparently, the superwoman's boyfies.


&so i shut myself up.

i went out on a triple date to celebrate love's and fiq's bdae on the 28th July 2008..love bdae was on the 27th and fiq's on 29th..so celebrate in btw gitulah..and believe it anot, even on the day itself, we still hasnt plan anything yet..and so i took maly no from ayu and asked her and she also dunno the plan..wahpiangs!!! so, we plan a wee bit and then maly kold me after her class and informed me dat we are going to M.SQ and dine at Secret Recipe..

me: lain kali jgn suroh lelaki plan, dorg tk bleh harap.
maly: btol btol!!!

*okay, i think im gonna make enemies w the guys ordy*

since i had an interview earlier dat day, i waited for love who ended work at 230pm, i think, at Bugis..i didnt noe where to go and so i i waited for him at J.CO..bought myself 2donuts bt i ate 1 and i left 1 for love..

me: mknlah ni, i belikan utk u tau..its ur fave: strawberry.
love: *gives face*
me: hahaha..tklah, i tk dengki tau, its chocolate..
love: *took the donut*
love: sial, its coffee!!
me: hahahaha..its cappucino..

*saidi doesnt like coffee and strawberries, he is so kental*

den we sat down like bozos with nothing to do..then we walked to CT Hall and met up with the rest even though we didnt actually met on time..hehe :) we made our way to M.SQ, went to secret recipe and their service sucks actually.no professionalism at all..u just got teased a bit girl. then, man mcm siak, suroh the 2 otha guys mkn the cili kering from my meal..love was ok but fiq..only god knows..he shed tears ehk.i didnt noe he cant tahan pedas. *kalo ko dtg rumah aku hari raye, mak aku msk pedas tau*..then i asked the girl to serve our dessert and evryone excluding me ordered bake cheese..i tried the almond coffee.nice.real nice.

man: ehk, dier nye kek besar seh.
love: kau tgk lah orgnye.

*kurang asam nye bf!!*

then, we played bowling, after so long, i didnt quite suck..hahaha.&i made a fool out of myself when i jumped after i striked..malu siol.but oh well, sooner or later, evryone's gonna noe hu i am..hehe :)

maly: next meeting, u plan ok.
me: oks.np :)

&now i cant for another meeting..whose bdae is next??
Sunday, July 27, 2008
happy birthday!!

*can't help it.i kinda like this pic lah love.hehehe*




~adapted from Kungfu Panda~

put the best in whatever you do, i have extreme faith in you
i love you!!

Friday, July 25, 2008
just something.

recently taken.

back in April, i think.

i missed my long hair and i miss irritating love with it..heheheh

*conversation btw me and love*

love: so what do you want 4 christmas??
me: i should ask you dat.
me:but nvm, i'll answer 4 you.
me: i want my hair back 4 christmas santa..

apa mau NS beb??!!

&ever since im hooked to love, my silliness came out faster than i expected..

*talking bout eggs and stuffs*

me: u mkn telur penyu??
love: eee..no.
me: i pon tak mkn tapi tgk so tempting so i tried but its nt nice..
me: tapi i suke telur burong..cute je kecik2..
love: abeh telor ayam??
me: telor ayam tu mcmane ehk?
*slaps head*

how can i ever forget how telor ayam looks like??

so now, im definitely certified Selenge..thanks ehk Saidi!!
Saturday, July 19, 2008

im introvert yet extrovert.

he, on the other hand, makes my life looks like a roller-coster.

above all, he, nursaidimuadzan aka love, makes me happier than ever..he is sucha nuisance, irritating, annoying faggot one can ever know but he is patience, super nice at times ah and hilarious..hahaha.been with hm for 7mths now and im enjoying evry single moment i have with him..however, NS is gonna take him away from me for some time..knnccb!!! but its ok, 2yrs je, small lil pieces..hahahahha..mcm paham je aku ni..oh ya, his bday is just a week away..cant wait to let out my long-awaited vengence on you ok love..you better bring yourself an armour the day we are going out..hahahha.im turning into hell-girl soon!!! okok..nursaidi, kite sayang awak ehk!!

I spent my wednesday with the lovables kiddos aka my niece and nephew..the lil people who make me laugh real hard ever since they came into my life..which happens to be b4 love came into mine..seriously, i didnt mind being single cause i had them..mama took care of nayli till she was 2yrs+ and irfan till he was bout 6mths..then mama took up a job.so, they had their maid to takecare of them..i realised how time really flies when ur enjoying ur life..i love them with evry breath of my life and i hope i will have kids of my own sumday for me to love wholeheartedly and to play dress-up with..hahaha.i told mama that when i was in my secondary school years, i wanted to get married at a young age..probably 21 or 22yrs of age..but now that im turning 20 soon..i gave it a thought and i think i wanna be married at 25..hahaha..oklah, im not miang or gatal for some reason, i just wanna grow up with my kids in future..its fun to have kids besides having to wake up in the early mornings and the expenses..whether you have kids anot, if ur sucha spend-thrift person, ur money will always be spent..am i right??anws, till then, i shall look for a stable job 1st then can talk bout marriage.

my mr nak-nak& miss think-think-think

loved since birth.
besides the kiddos, i also have my aadik and mama in my superb life..im not so close to my dad but that doesnt mean i dont love him lah kan..me and adik enjoys laughing at mama silly lil gestures at times..we will laugh our hearts out no matter where we are..even in public.but of course we will be the center of attention for a moment cause we laugh loud enough for evryone else to hear..hahaha..if i can record my daily life and show it to the world, i probably would cause i wanna show how hilarious my mum can be and how irritating my adik can be..

living the life as an elder sis to an idiotic younger sis :)

adik: kak, ur face too white
me: really?? but i only wear lil powder sehh..*wipes face**
adik: hahaha..no lah, ur too white cause im dark..
me: *ketawe kekek nye**

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
am i too late??

sometimes, when unpleasant things happens, it take me a long time to actually realise how its not suppose to be..im sure im not the only one who has experienced this feeling..thus, my title for this entry..it happened last week and today is already the 5th day after it happened..when i first saw the "scene", i thought ' oh maybe, g misses b'..but now, when i think back and reflect what i saw, it is totally upsetting..seriously. i would rather not see anything than to see it happen infront of my big bold eyes..so what if g is b's whatever?? what if i do dat infront of g to g's bf?? wth?!! i'd figured its kinda too late to talk bout but then again, the "scene" just keep coming back..i'll just let the matter rest but if i were to see that happen again..mind you witch, i swear, i'll embarass you in front of evryone..obviously g isnt reading my blog, but im very sure b does..so, let me just say this straight, ask g to keep g's hands off!!

&now, i need a hot cup of chocolate.
Sunday, July 13, 2008

First and foremost, last Saturday (12th July 2008), Fiestari was held at Chengsan CC and surprisingly ITE Bishan won 2nd place..well job ladies and of course Bada..we emerged 5th last year and now, we were almost champs..but to no avail, NYP came in 1st..well job guys!! in fact, NYP and Bishan has been practicing together for the past weeks and so, winning anot wasnt sucha fag cause they were quite united even though they were competing against each other..tears came rolling down my eyes when we knew we were in the top5..nonetheless, i really miss dancing with the Trai'rats..anws, these are the great moments..enjoy!!

NYP & ITE Bishan

ladies from ITE Bishan

still not sexay enough??


so that's all..hehe :) it came to my thought lately that i should avoid quarrels with the adik since we arfe the only 2 siblings left..so, the other day, had a heart2heart talk, shed some tears and now we are getting along just fine though i still show attitude to the adik lotsa times..we were bored the other day and so, we just blog-hop together and watch music videos on youtube on the bed while the adik was supposed to be studying for her n-levels.hahaha :) never try to study when eidah is around cause u'll end up doing other things..fer sure..hehehe.. &to let time fly nicely, we took lotsa pictures but im not posting them all..just a few to make you guys laugh at our silly faces..yet again, enjoys!!

its good to have an ugly-looking adik so that i look good always. hehehe :)

CB lah!! don't change the channel can anot?!!

hehe :) i dont know what to say lor.

adik heard my feets crack & she finds it hilarious..wth adik?!!

2nd attempt to make our berok faces..*Nursaidimuadzan, ketawe jgn simpan!!!*

that's all folks!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008

im once again unemployed..glad to be out of that company but definitely bored right now..but well, atleast i know i did the right thang..after atleast every single member of the family requested me to do so..hehe..

so, yesterday, went to watch hancock with love, man&ayu as well as malyna&fiq at E!Hub..its a great movie..not exactly a must-watch movie but maybe a better-to-watch-than-not ahh..hehehe..if it sounds the same, dont say anything..met up with love at simei mrt who happen to be late cause he reached home from work at 530pm..so he is excused..took the train and we met yuhtee who was waiting patiently for her lil sis..hahaha..*if i were yuhtee, my adik probably kene maki 4 being late**hehehe..chatted with her for awhile b4 making our move to downtown..got myself belgium chocolate from coffeebean when we saw m&f..sat with them while waiting for the arrival of m&a..hahaha.*sounds like waiting for the arrival of the president during NDP**okok eidah.stop it ehk..its a 90-mins show but it seems kinda short..but well, atleast it was ok..then we bid goodbye to evryone and waited for bus 12..spent some time with love and made a total fool of myself infront of him..but only he knows it..*you blang org, i tanak geng ok!!**hehe..then it was time to go home and so now, im waiting for the next meet-up..why does time seems so fast when we're together??

then, when i was fast asleep, mama woke me up at bout 4+ to get dressed cause my dad was having difficulty breathing..so, took him to CGH but he wasnt admitted but was given new set of medicines..*isap rokok lagi ah!!**he's one damn knuckle-head guy ok..his heart is damaged and yet he's still smoking..if i can do smtg, i'll prob bang his head against the wall..dat wud probably knock some sense into him..hmpf!! then, went to Qi Ji to haf damn early breakfast and i ate a small portion of chee cheong fun..damn nice..cause i was really hungry..hehe :)

then as soon as we reached home, i dozed off dead and woke up only at 115pm..hehehe..suke!!!

ok..shall update soon:) rock on wonderous :)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
just for fun!!

the lady who has been tolerating my effing attitude for the past 20years.

when you noe ur big, u hide behind someone when taking picture :D

tea-break is taking-picture-break.

oi mangkok!! bile nk jumpe beb??