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Sunday, June 29, 2008

&so, i spent almost the whole week out..
5.5days of work and 1.5days out!!!
met up with cinta at Pasir Ris on Friday after work to catch w movie with Man&Ayu..we watched Get Smart and i thot its actually better than You don't mess w the Zohan..i had a good laugh thruout the movie and my-oh-my..Dwayne Johnson is so hot..i like the body!!! anw..since i had work the next day, we went home after the movie..

M: dier pakai dress lahh..
E: *smiles =)*
S: bagos ah..accessible..
i love my cheeky bf!!!

okok..moving on, then after work on Sat, met up w mira at TM cause i needed to do some shopping and she was to accompany me..we were both on an empty stomach when we met but she insisted that we shop for awhile b4 eating..so ya..went to Joop but nothing appealing to me..so we went to MNG but again..nothing..and so we went ISETAN..we saw lotsa nice dresses but its maha expensive..
E: mi, ni cantek..tapi harge dier peh mahal..
M: hahaha..biase ah eidah..kate Eeeee-SETAN!!!
E: *ketawe terbahak2**

then, i ajak her go to OutFitter Girls section and i got myself a tee..and when going to make payment..nmpk Pierre Cardin Sale..so wat else right..got myself another bra set..hahahaha:)

M: wahh eidah..NCC nmpk!!
E: hahaha..biasa jgk..

the..we finally go mkn at McD..after eating..went to EDC and we saw our NCC mate..and she say if we plan to get anything, she can give 40% off..so ape lagi..i asked mira to help me look for some nice tops lah kann..and finally i managed to get 2 tees and a dress from EDC..which means i spent bout $90 the whole shopping time..suke!!!

then, mira kold kyn and we were told to meet her at Pasir Ris interchange at 358 stand..&when we met, we hugged each other..i sayang semuenye!!! then we made our way to E-Hub..believe it anot, its kyn 1st time there..*kental ah kau kyn!! on the way..we talked bout some things b4 i asked mira a dumb qn..
E: mi, _______is for girl or boy??
M: ermm..pompan ahh..but its not a ______..
E: hahahahaha..aku tau lahh..
K: *close ears** aku tanak dgr!!!
E & M: kau kene tau..its general knowledge..

then dah sampai E-Hub, we sat at Coffeebean..i think we spent bout 5hrs there just talking and updating bout each other..&kyn told us bout her friends from MCC..
K: its her 1st date w that guy and they already frenchkissed..
E: frenchkissed tu ape??
M: a'ah..frenchkissed to ape??
K: *tryna continue w the story-telling..
E: kyn, aku tanye frenchkissed tu ape?? aku kental sehh..aku tak tau ape 2..
M: a'ah sehh..aku pon tak tau..
K: alahh..its kissing mouth-to-mouth..
M: yeke?? itu je?? no tongue-playing??
E: ya..no tongue-wrestling??
K: diamlah korang..aku budak baik tau..*covers face w tudong*
E & M: *laughs!!!!*

in short, i had a great time w the grrlfriends..i love them like hell..lets grow old together ok.no other girls can take over your places..im here if you need me..Saidi can wait for awhile..hehehe:)
&i love them too!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
sisters act...

1st sis, Big:

B: eidah, can you meet me after work??

E: oh..for what??

B: im stuck at this location and i dunno whr to go from here..i tried lotsa methods but i cant seem to find any way out..i play the game till my battery flat tau..

E: hahaha.okok..i'll call you later :)

2nd sis, Ttik:

T: are you going anywhere after work?

E: nup..going home straight.why? you wanna meet?

T: ya..u wanna go TM for awhile??

E: can ah..i oso nid to pay my bills..

*after walking and having dinner**

T: you wanna go anywhere else??

E: nahh..i think i shud go home..its not friday, its only Tuesday and we haf work tomorrow.

T: ok then..

E: *shook her hands, gave her a kiss on the cheeks and she HUGGED me**

T: text me when ur home!!

last sis, Adik:

A: kak, what r u doing??

E: im shitting!!

A: im suppose to bath you noe, my school starts at 820am and i dont wanna be late.

E: ahh..you wait lah..
*after awhile**

A: what lah?? im doing the bed right?!

E: if you wanna bath, then just come in..cause its my bathing time oso lah now..

A: ah okok..
*inside toilet**
A: it seems so funny to bath together when we are bigger now..

E: hahahahaha..shuddup lah..im tryna bath here.

A: we look cute when we were much smaller but now its really funny having 2 adults sharing the bathroom..

*aren't my sisters cute and lovely?? damn, im blessed!!! SAYANG SEMUANYA!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

im MUCH better now.thanks!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008

nothing beats than watching Prince Caspian @ Goldclass.

"eidah nak indulge in fondue ah!!"&so we did..XD

don't think im fine cause im still not..Pfft!! im still effing REDHOT!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008
yet another WTF!!!

"a: Hello xxx!!

b: Hey

a: Ru still bored??

b: Nt at e moment

a: Ohk.en tgh buat ape 2??

b: Tgh mkn

a: U noe wat..im gnna gif u sum time and space 4 urself..when u tink ur ok en u text or kol me.i wnt disturb u 4 e time being.tc!!

b: smbrg. . ."

if you wanna ask, don't ask im im fine..you should ask if we are fine anot.thanks!!

&if you think im angry, think again.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

1stly, i wanna complain like hell bout my work...two words: IT SUCKS!!!!!!! its my 2nd week at work and my work pile is getting higher than i thought..believe it anot, i spent the whole of today just doing yesterday's invoices..which means tomorrow im gonna haf to do today's invoices..geddit? in short, its delayed by 1day cause there's 2 much..&im doing it all alone..seriously, my job requires 2 administrators to do and they only put me responsible for that..WTF!!!! and due to too much work, i went home at 645pm today even though i plan to do OT yet again..but wth kan..im taking half-day leave tomorrow cause ive an intrview to attend to tomorrow..im like so desperate for this job..i think its gonna be much better or at least what i learnt in ITE is being applied rather my current job...but then again, im gonna have to endure till the end of this month cause im on a 1mth contract..well, atleast if i got another job otherwise im gonna have to sit in that short chair for a while more....TAK SUKE!!!!!

ok2..i shall control my emotions or my migraine will come back..moving on.

2ndly, im missing that crazy bf of mine!!!! met him for only like an hour++ on sunday..i wanted to spend the night out with him but he has to go to his cousin's crib so tk menjadi lah kan..&actually, i told him i didnt wanna meet him..nk step jual mahal ah gitu..tapi tk bleh ah kan..havent been meeting him for sucha long time..talking bout which, i dont know when else we are really gonna meet and go out cause his working schedule for this week sucks nk mampos..*org gile je tau keje on wkends XD**im not gonna meet him dis week and im not sure if we can actually meet up the following wk..if still cannot, i meet you next month je lah..boohoo!!!!
can we please arrange for a REAL date next time round?? with no going to cousin's crib or whatever..**kalau you nk pegi rumah sedare you jgk, i pergi tarian ahh!!!!*ok2..again, control your emotions..

ok2..that's it for now, if im dying soon, i'll blog again :)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

so, on Monday (020608), i started work at Schenker Logistics...the work is manageable cause its only like 20% of what im suppose to do..actually there's more than that lah kan..and believe it anot, i had to OT on my very 1st day at work..wahpiangs!!! im definitely looking forward for more OT cause more OT, higher pay =)) but seriously speaking, 8.5hrs is really not enough to do my job..being in a logistic company, stock comes in and out evry day, evry minute..just haf to adapt to the fast-paced working environment..im currently on a 1-mth contract and im subjected to cnversion if my work performance is up to their standard and i think despite the 2nd day at work, my supervisor seems hapie with what ive done=)) bukan nk angkat supervisor, just doing what i do best..hehe..;p
moving on, i havent met my bf for 1 week now and we only talked over the phone on last Sunday..now dat im working and he's working, we haf lesser time to talk or meet up..&you know what, ive been having these weird and stupid thoughts..i actually thot dat my bf is bored of me and he doesnt wanna see me again..see lah!! eidah is so dumb you know..always creating stupid things with her mind..i guess aftrall what my bf thinks of me is true.at times je..i haf nothing better to do than to think of all these nonsensical things.wtf!!!
oklah, gotta crack my head on what to wear for work tomorrow..&p/s: i dont haf to dress-up 4 work..for my dept, evryday is jeans-day..hahahaha..okok bye!!!