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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

im fucking irritated!!! im effing pissed with some people!!! why cant people just stay true to themselves?? we are humans and nobody is perfect but you can improve yourself to be someone better..why bother being nice in front of evryone but you keep talking badly bout them behind their back?? am i not fulfilling my duties well?? why cant some people accept the fact??

im done with evrything.afterall whatever Saidi has said do makes sense now..i should have listened to him since way back but i didnt.all i did was to defend my point of the story..im sadded :'( very sad..im disappointed at the fact that some people are bias and not doing others any right...i think some people may know what im actually talking bout here cause seriously im done!!! ive my limits to evrything i do and to what people intend to do to me..but once it has reached the peak then im gonna bloody hell explode and only then, they will get it in their heads..

im done with getting angry, i just wanna have my pwn vacation at home while seeking for a job.so puh-lease try not to disturb me for the time being..whatever i wanna do is all up to me and u guys jolly well get out of my way..if you really enjoy bitching bout me then go ahead..one day, u guys will know ur true friends are and whose not..chao bitches!!!
Saturday, April 26, 2008

been long since ive updated my blog.ive been superly busy these days cause im caught up with dance and my job interviews..so now that i have time for myself, i thought i shud update while i can..hehe :) went to TM Swensens for breakfast with Ttik and adik..was a last min decision to have breakfast there..i was ok with it cause Ttik was treating..hehe:p..then, we walked around TM and CS..adik got herself yet another dress..that's like another dress in one week ehk..im superly jealous..Ttik got herself another shoe which means 4 pairs of new shoes for herself..now, u tell me..is it ok 4 me to stay jealous cause all i got 4 myself today is the Strait Times...haizz..i have to apply for jobs, only then i can go shopping..hehehhe:) but i did bought myself a pair of wedge on Wednesday..my 1st ever wedge and im planning to get more heels in future..i dunno whats into me these days..but i love the sight of a high heel..hehe..anw, my bf has to closing again today..that 3days of closing in a row..haizz.i miss him lah kan :'(...i'll probably meet him only next Friday cause thats his off-day..i have dance next Tuesday and Wednesday which im not sure if i can attend anot cause i might have to go 4 my job interview..sometimes, i just feel like im forced to go 4 dance..Saidi has been telling me to get a hold on life cause ive graduated and that im no longer a part od Trai'rat Seni..tru..i totally agree but i still love dancing..the only thing is right now is i need some understanding from my fellow dancers..ive graduated people and thats something u guys haf to understand..i need to look for a job..nobody knows whats going on in my house and i reli need my own time..u guys have been great but plss..for once, let me go...thats all im asking for..
Thursday, April 10, 2008

the scandal im missing lots these days :'(
yeahh..we are 2 blind mice.
got the tissue for free down Orchard Road :)
that garang gf of mine.
my lucky charm :)
hehehe:) i guess thats how i look like when i sulk.
coit tower and chocolate crunch.

random photos only..wanted to add spice to my entry..okok..continue reading :)
I went for 2 interview yesterday, 1 at Shenton Way and the other at Loyang Crescent..both interview wasnt stressfull for me but i just thot the interview went not so good at Shenton Way..i applied for the position af Accounts Assistant and was interviewed by 2 personnel, a lady and a guy..im not sure if its me but i actually thot he wes kinda not professional..after they interviewed me, both went outside to discuss and bout 5mins later, he came back into the room, stood at the door halfway, switch off the lights and told me that i can leave the room and he will call if im shortlisted..like what the hell??!! dont you think its actually rude and inprofessional of him..call yourself an HR personnel..anyway, it turned out to be the company that my friend, Sha is working for..but whatever, i dont care..so, made our way to Bedok to have a loght dessert before heading down to Loyang Crescent..we actually got kinda lost somewhere and so, we took the cab to our destination and i tell you, its like reli damn ulu siak..and the office is an on-site office lah kan..so, we went to the office and i waited for the interviewer...he explained to me what my jobscope is and seriously speaking, he is a damn nice guy lah kan..he talked to me nicely and explained evrything that i needed to know and he also tell me how its like in the working world..so, yeahh..now im just waiting for a call from them and see how it is..and ive another interview this Friday for the position of Customer Service Rep for DBS Bank..just wish me lucky luck aite :)

moving on, after the interview, i didnt go work cause it was kinda rushing for me and im like tired already..so, mum asked to go TM with her to have our dinner and go window-shopping..im rite now looking for some simple yet nice gladiators..anyone knows where i can get them?? anyway, yupp..we walked all around TM and CS..adik joined us and suddenly my mum felt like having ice-cream..so we headed down to Swensens and indulge in ice-cream..wanted to treat them, but my mum insisted on paying.hehe :) then, i asked mum if i can meet Saidi and sh gave me green light lah..hehe :) texted the bf and asked if he is awake already and asked him what movie he wanna watch..and so we finally watched Street Kings..its a good movie actually but you must really pay attention to every scene ahh..it gets confusing and it made my bf confused..hahahaha..he is one selenge guy lah kan :) so, i bought the tix and waited for my prince charming to come..and when he arrived, i told him how my interview went and stuff like that..in fact i was still in my shirt and my smart pants when i met him..i was too lazy to go home and change..hehe..the movie is bout 90mins long and after it ended, we both headed for the toilet cause it was cold in the theatre and i think he also tahan until the movie ends..haha :) i dragged him to TM and showed him a few sandals and he actually thinks that some are nice..so, my decicion is still pending lah kan..hahaha :P then, we walked home and talked and talked and i made lotsa drama along the way..its different when im with him..must act tough and fierce at the same time..haha :) then, it was time to bid goodbye..

im in love with my bf more than anyone else..i dont care if he is selenge or cheeky or naughty or dumb or whatt...cause i know what he is like already..if he can accept me the way i am, then so do i..hehe :) Nursaidimuadzan, saya sayang awak :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
damn shiiiit!!!!

results of my final year exams are out and guess what?? I DID BADLY LAH SIAK!!!! my GPA dropped ok..so not good kan..anyways, i got a C for my akaunting which is my major subject and im suppose to do well for it..and i scored a B for my auditing..better than nothing but still, i could have done better siak..lucky my CCA grade is 0.2..which means my GPA is only 3.1...bad right, how to enter poly u tell me?? i think i can already start my job hunting and start a full-time career and also start researching for ideas to start an online business with the bro-in-law..seriouly speaking, im not ready to work but if all else fails, then ive no other choice than to work right?? help out my mum and dad financially..but 1st i need a good-paying job..so, for now..im gonna be busy looking for a job and perhaps attending interviews..wahpiangs..i feel so old lah kan..to make my day worse, im not feeling well and im surrounded by tissue papers...haiizz..ok bye!!
sentosa triip!!!

wish you were here :)
i say twiss :)
my attempt to look fatter than i already am :p
another hustle and flow.
kyn!!! aku syg kau oks :)
nobody can take over our beautifull relationship.
can you see what i see??

my favourable sis :)
my hair is long whatt?!!
ttik, bring me to Surfer's Paradise can??
oklah, i look burok..

cause its what we do best :)
sayang sayang.
fugly me.sweety her.
im boyanese.she's chinese..hahahha..was just tryna make it rhyme :P