Friday, March 28, 2008
i cant sleep!!!
its like 3:56am in the morning and im blogging :(
you wanna know why : cause im freaking hungry :(
and when im hungry i cant it a bad thing?? ive been experiencing this lately you know and its really bothering me like hell..evrytime i cant sleep, i will toss and turn, squeeze my eyes really hard and try not to think of anything..cause evrytime i think of something, it just gets worse..and to actually think about what i had earlier today was quite fulling..i had black pepper chicken as my brunch and for dinner, i had maggi goreng...ok ape already gaining weight yet im always getting hungry..mcmane ni??
but somehow, a part of the reason why i cant sleep is cause im superly excited to meet my gfs in bout 6hrs time..we are going to SENTOSA people..we have been planning this outing since last year and its only fulfilled now..crazy or what huh??hee:) plus, after meeting the gfs and the gfs bfs, im gonna meet my uberly-awesome life is filled with all the love yaw..hehehe:P oklah, shall blog again oon aite..
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Be Kind Rewind

I went to watch Be Kind Rewind with the bf on Mon(24th Mar 08) after work..i had to do morning shift on dat day and since we havent actually spent sum quality time together, we decided to catch a movie..but upon reaching TM, we realised that all the showtimes were 9pm onwards, so we went to CS to check if they had any earlier timing but its all the same as, i called my mom and told her that im watching a movie but it starts at 930pm and she was cool bout fact, she bubbled lor..knowing that my dad was just next to her when we were talking, she bubbled our conversation and said that its ok if im catching a late movie since i'll be watching with "kyn" and "mira"..hahahaha..see mom knows how to bubble, prob 1 was that point of time, it was only 8pm and we still have 1.5hrs to go so to kill time, we went to eat at BK..and funnily, i finished my meal, but the bf didnt finish his..see lahh..the world turning upside down, i can finish mine but he cant finish not surprised if 1day, i help him finish up his getting fatter..:( anyways, talking bout im not surprised, when we were in bus 31 on our way to TM, we sat at the upper deck with lesbians sitting next to us..i was in my own world, listening to my mp3 when the bf asked for his hp and texted me saying that he caught the smooching, not once but 4x..hahaha..he has got nothing better to do lah, i texted him back and asked him how he know, and he said, he saw them by the corner of his eyes..mcm siak kan my bf..
Thursday, March 20, 2008
her fierce peacefull sign
we sneaked out to have Ben&Jerry's

So, met up with She at CCK and went over to Bedok to take the noodles we ordered from her aunt..while waiting for her to reach CCK, i bought Cleo magazine and so i read in the train..when i came upon the entry about sex: flirty or dirty..hahaha..we read together and laughed all the way..its sumting only we know..anyway, upon reaching Bedok, we walked over to her aunts plc and rest ourselves 4 bout 20mins b4 making our move.but i dragged She to 7-11 even though she was complaining bout the heavy noodles and her heavy beg to get myself Slurpee...hehehe..suddenly my throat felt like slurrping..then we took bus 12 to Downtown and met the rest at the chalet..we reached at bout 6pm and slowly the rest came and we started was lotsa fun...we laughed like hell..seeing the joy on my friends faces makes me feel like im gonna miss them more..serious..though, we're classmates for 2yrs, we werent dat united cause we had our own cliques..anyway, when midnight came, some of them got high, esp this one friend of mine...quite surprised to see him like that..anyway, i talked with Nizam for bout 3-4hrs b4 i got sleepy and he told me to go to sleep..then at bout 4am, all of them wanted to go for a night-walk but Nizam didnt let me go cause he told the rest i was tired..but i wasnt left alone, i got 2 bodyguards looking after me..hahahah...Nizam made me sleep upstairs but less than 10mins later, i went down cause i was scared..the room was too dark and im not used to sleeping alone unless if its my own a scaredy cat..they came back soon and continued sleeping and woke up at bout 1030..i woke up 730 though..cudnt sleep ordy..i end up playing Ammin's ps2 or ps3 ahh..not too sure bout it..hehe..i went to take my bath and waited 4 them to take theirs..we waited for She to come back and then we headed to Wild Wild Wet..hehe..most enjoyable moment...i got to see Nizam and Ah Liang scared faces..hehehe...i thought they we not afraid of heights but they do..hahaha..after 4hrs of fun, we headed back to the chalet and rest b4 starting our barbercue..and blimey, i forced She to go swimming with me at the pool..hahaha..we looked like idiots cause we went to the deep pool but we only stayed the sides cause we arent that good in waters..hahaha..anyway, we went back afetr i had all the time i wanted in the swimming pool and we took our shower b4 helping them out wit the bbq..i ate and ate and ate non-stop that i think i shud really start on my diet..many say im getting bleh carry ordy sehh..anw, She and i went to sleep quite early cause we were exhausted after a long day of fun and laughter..the next morning, we woke up at 7am and took our shower..after which, we helped them with bit of clearing up and then off we went to TM to have out brunch at Pastamania..we had a hearty time eating together and then we went our separate has been a nice time having them around me..i feel really sad that we are departing from each other and may even not be meeting up again until further notice..hahaha..anw, on a serous note, i treasure every single moment i have with them and knowing them..they are by far the coolest bunch of friends and i hope that if one fine day, when we all have start with our working lives, we still contact and remain friends..i love them already<3
&now, im missing my bf very much and i wanna meet him soon:'(
Friday, March 14, 2008
built to last.

her so-called sad face.whatever ehk!!