Friday, February 29, 2008
f**king pissed!!!
im sick and tired of having people talking shits into my head..all i didn't do was housework..which is somehow because im either studying, blogging or just lazy to do them..but just because i don't do housework, it doesnt make me the most targeted person at home..some people just like to drag other issues that are non-related..seriously speaking, what has housework got to do with my education?? there is no link at all am i right?? cant i just have my own private time?? some people brag about me not having to go into poly..and that is the last thing i wanna hear from her mouth.if you are tired of working, just say so..u dont have to say things that can pull my confidence away..yes..i know i havent been a good person at home, but i know what my responsibilities dont have to nag bout such issues with me right just about to turn 20 and i have people talking to me about house bills and responsibilities over my parents..please lahh..its not as if i dont think bour you people at home, why cant people just understand me?? you expect me to understand you yet you dont even let me speak..and now, you are telling me not to talk to you..i can do whatever i want to..if you are tired, then take a one is pushing are pressurising feels really weird when we arent talking but we are in the same room..
i may not be the best daughter ever, but i really really love you..whenever you say discouraging words like you have already said, it hurts me not the kinda person who shows off my pain, but i think you should know me better than anyone else..i wanna take care of you even when im married one fine day..i seriously know what my responsibilities are..i just need time for saying all this shits and acting as if i dont exist at home, you make me feel like im not loved by you..i feel really sad whenver you say things like i dont have to study anymore..i have to work and earn a living for the family..i will get married and leave you..i dont even know what my future is like for why are saying such things to me?? i admit, ever since im attached, my attention isnt at home..but i thought you would understand me..why is it that when it was Big and Ttik time, you didnt make a huge fuss?? everyone makes mistake.everyone tell lies..i tried my best to be honest with you all this while and i think i did..
you know what, i shouldnt be bragging bout this this moment of time, i just wanna be understood..and i seriously need a shoulder to lean on..
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Action may not always bring happiness;
but there is no happiness without action
~Benjamin Disraeli~
Happiness is where we find it,
But rarely where we seek it
~J. Petit Senn~
A loving heart is the truest wisdom
~Charles Dicken~
There is no remedy for love,but to love more
~Henry David Thoreau~
We can only learn to love by loving
~Iris Murdoch~
Love, is above all else, the gift of oneself
~Jean Anouilh~
happy fer sure...
today, finally i met up with my super girlfriend, Mira...irs been 2mths since we last met and really talk bout lotsa stuff..mostly about relationships and what the future holds for think again..we grew really fast and its been 8years since we establish this wunderfull friendship and sisterhood..we knew each other from NCC..and then we realised we are actually staying in the same neighbourhood..and so we go school evryday together.seriously, we share lotsa things..we laugh like hyena..we cry like babies..we do shit it..we actually plan to do lotsa things together..thinking bout all this can really touch my heart..i wanna grow old with her..shes a good who has all the confident..thats where somehow or rather, i got my own confidence from..almost evrything bout her, i know...anyhows..i really love this girl and i really treasure the friendship we hold..may we last till eternity..
moving on, after meeting up the girlfriend, i went to fetch my super dearest boyfriend from work..i was really extremely late that i panic..hehe..but im lucky to haf him as my bf and so he told me not to panic and to take my time..haha..dah jumpe, we took the train back home and he walked me home...we stroll our way back..he seemed really shagged from work..but this isnt the worse ahh..he used to be super shagged that he was slurring..haha..anyway, i havent been talking to him bout our relationship which i want to..i wonder till when we will last..seriously speaking, at times i envy Mira and Hilmi for staying strong through out the 4years..ive seen their ups and downs buttehy dont let others get in their way..i can somehow see myself and him being that long together.if God wills..i really really love him and i dont wish to lose not sure if he is really the one for me but he makes me really hapie with his presence..i can laugh as badly as i want with him..we can tolerate each others nonsense..though words cant actually describe how much i love him..but deep within, he is my heart and soul..
oklah, i shant talk lots to study cause exams just around the corner and im yet to start my revision..feeling lazy to work already cause im panicking..i get stress whenever others are much busier than i am.hahaha..okss..shall update soon..much love people<3
Friday, February 22, 2008
hello people!!!
Monday, February 11, 2008